Do the Wall Street shuffle, hear the money rustle. Watch the greenbacks tumble, feel the Sterling crumble.
You need a yen to make a mark, if you wanna make money. You need the luck to make a buck, if you wanna be Getty, Rothschild. You've gotta be cool on Wall Street.
You've gotta be cool on Wall Street, when your index is low. Dow Jones ain't got time for the bums. They wind up on skid row with holes in their pockets. They plead with you, buddy can you spare the dime, but you ain't got the time. Doin' the.... Doin' the....
Oh, Howard Hughes, did your money make you better? Are you waiting for the hour when you can screw me? 'Cos you're big enough.
To do the Wall Street Shuffle, let your money hustle. Bet you'd sell your mother, you can buy another. Doin' the.... Doin' the....
You buy and sell, you wheel and deal, but you're living on instinct. You get a tip, you follow it and you make a big killing. On Wall Street.
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